March 17, 2011

The Workout

I recently started on the P90X workout program.  In a quest for my body to even remotely resemble Jennifer Aniston's body...

or Halle Berry's...

both gorgeous women in their 40's I might add...

...I have started getting up at an ungodly hour (still dark out with the time change!!) to push, pull, and cardio it up.  I decided to put together some ideal outfits for the gym, yoga class, and going out for a run.  I styled these "sets" on Polyvore--a really cool website--they have links to all of the items I used.  The only problem is the resolution is lower than what I normally publish.  So it's slightly blurry--like  my vision when that alarm goes off to work out!

The Gym

Workout: running


I'll let you know my progress--just don't expect any before and after pictures!


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About Me

We are surrounded by beauty, artistry and creativity. Sometimes we need to shift our focus ever so slightly to open up to the world of fascination. I hope this helps you on your road to re-enchantment.
