July 17, 2012

Siren Call: Mermaid Inspiration

I watched this totally trippy show about Mermaids (actually Merfolk) the other night...kind of like a Blair Witch Project only you felt sorry for these poor creatures that were oppressed by humans.  Too bad it was a work of fiction because mermaids are so ethereal and cool, not to mention a little bad-ass (Siren call anybody?).  I'm seeing a lot about mermaids in pop culture, sub culture and art culture--and of course fashion.  Here's are some inspiring pictures.

I love all the red-headed versions of these beauties. (Photo)

They have captured artists imaginations for hundreds of years. (Photo)

They have dolphins with tribal tattoos as pets...so much more badass than pitbulls.  (Photo)

 They color coordinate with their friends.  (Photo)

Design ethereal, flowy dresses.  (Photo)

They get morose and moody too.  (Photo)

And go buy themselves a pretty handbag... (Photo)

...or two.  (Photo)

This necklace would go perfect with red hair and a flowy tail.  (Photo)

They get all crafty and DIY with their home accessories.  (Photo)

And glam it up for a hot night out.  (Photo)

Conquer the sea.  (Photo Vogue)

Save the mermaids!  :)


About Me

We are surrounded by beauty, artistry and creativity. Sometimes we need to shift our focus ever so slightly to open up to the world of fascination. I hope this helps you on your road to re-enchantment.
