May 24, 2010

LA Stories: Rose Bowl Flea Market

The Rose Bowl Flea Market is on the second Sunday of the month.  You could easily spend the entire day just in the vintage section and not see everything there is to see.  It's so visually stimulating, it almost hurts the eyes.  I took so many pictures that I'll post it in sections.  Today I'm just posting some overview pictures that I think have some visual interest.
I love the light blue coral and the sea horse bottle toppers.

Gives new meaning to a peaceful night's sleep.
 Interesting combo of spiders and Jesus.
It almost looks like a black and white photo with hits of red.
The color palette of this painting is so subtle but striking.

After 3 hours (that's all my eyes could take), this was my big purchase.  I love finding old tee shirts and re-cutting them to make some cool tops.  I bought a Rolling Stones concert tee, Led Zeppelin (Best Band Ever), and an Escher tee.  As I make them into new creations I will post my progress.


  1. love the blog...I have been dying to go to this flea market, planning on my first rendezvous this month!

  2. Let me know if you find anything interesting.


About Me

We are surrounded by beauty, artistry and creativity. Sometimes we need to shift our focus ever so slightly to open up to the world of fascination. I hope this helps you on your road to re-enchantment.
