July 15, 2010

Mewses: the Comfort Files

We all have bad days.  They seem to come often for me recently.  There comes a time, though, when I'm driving home that I see something that reminds me of my "girls".  They always put a smile on my face and offer a perspective change and a reminder that life is more than meetings, deadlines and difficult people who will never be pleased.  So, meet my girls--in all their catiness and attitude, and most importantly their unconditional love.

Mandu.  I originally named her Cat-Mandu, but she took on the Korean name Mandu for dumpling because her belly looked like a stuffed dumpling.

She likes to lay on my table on top of my different water color papers.  This is my scrap sheet where I mix colors and test the brush.

Poe.  As in Edgar Allen.  Because she's Raven black.  This picture shows her belief in her superiority over mere humans.  She is also the one totally connected to me.  I wake up during the night to find her sleeping across my belly.  Which always puts a smile on my face.

I love how this picture works with the painting in the background (I'll have more on the artist Dienzo in another post).  The reason why I call her the Poe-ser.

Oh, and yes, they are sisters--litter mates.  I would think they were twins but their markings differ slightly.  They are totally in synch.  When I took these pictures, they had been sleeping in different places in the same exact position facing the same direction.

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About Me

We are surrounded by beauty, artistry and creativity. Sometimes we need to shift our focus ever so slightly to open up to the world of fascination. I hope this helps you on your road to re-enchantment.
