August 7, 2010

E. Pics

First of all, I am incredibly proud of my 2 nephews and I love them dearly.  That said, I don't feel I am being the biased Aunt when I say that I am amazed by the quality of photos 11 year old Ethan has taken while at summer photo camp.  The following are pictures he shot at the Palm Beach Zoo using a Canon EOS Digital SLR camera.

I love the clarity of the water droplets against the pink feathers.

Most who know me, know my affinity to tigers (my husband having been born in the year of the tiger and they're generally just super cool animals).  He is almost hidden in the texture of the trees except for the ray of sunshine highlighting his orange back.

This is almost more about the background colors than the duck.

Another super cool, and slightly freaky animal.  The owl.

This inspires me for patterns for textile designs.

Is he laughing at us?

The dark background and depth of field make the flowers so striking.

This one looks like a stained-glass butterfly on a watercolor background.

E. really captured the personality of this bird.  Nice hair, dude.

The Black Swan.  Great composition with the hit of red in his bill.

What a show off--with his fluffy peach feathers.

The artist known as "E.".  Watch out for him!  BTW, his shirt graphic is a photo that he took.

The camp is FotoCamp at the Palm Beach Photographic Center in West Palm Beach.


  1. I am so proud of our students, and Ethan was surely a really good one. These are really cool pictures, and you should see the other stuff he took. He is surely a natural!
    Fatima at the palm Beach Photographic Centre

  2. Thank you, Fatima for providing the camp and the inspiration for these kids!


About Me

We are surrounded by beauty, artistry and creativity. Sometimes we need to shift our focus ever so slightly to open up to the world of fascination. I hope this helps you on your road to re-enchantment.
